Length: 4.72 m
Width: 2.26 m
Height: 2.52 m
Weight: 116.57 kg
Speed: 30.58 km/h

With its outspread wings and distinctive tail, is Seerie is a majestic site seen frequently gliding across the skies. Feeding off of small insects and fruits, it is also among the handful of benign (to us) species. The Seerie is also one of the lucky few to have developed the ability to fly.

The sudden and often brutal weather shifts of Anomaly help to explain the large tail formation. It is an effective rudder element allowing the Seerie to stay airborne (where it has few natural predators) in bad weather than it would if forced to take shelter in a tree. The colorations of this bird can vary wildly. We remain at a loss to determine if it is an active camouflaging mechanism or not. Our suspicions for this center on the fact that all dead Seeries will revert to the black or purple color of their birth. Furthermore, such wild colors have absolutely no survival value whatsoever otherwise, and should pose more of a risk to survival. This world is full of many unanswerable questions even if we had our hyperprocessors from home.

The utter lack of predators alone riddles the camouflage theory with countless holes and one wonders what, aside from Muties, actually hunt this large bird. The skies are not filled with Seeries as the young are born live (like mammals) and take flight within days. Young are therefore not born in large clutches, but one or two every breeding season.

There is little to fear from the Seerie unless they were to pass on a yet-unknown disease of some sort to us. Perhaps the annoyance of their waste staining one’s clothes is also of concern, but far from a life threatening one. It is all but a guarantee that being struck by a large Seerie’s excrement will not only knock anything lighter than a Slow Walker to the ground, but will undoubtedly make one the butt of jokes for the rest of their lives.