C.S.V. VERTO CLASS Etymology: Latin: “transform”
Similar in size and speed to the CSVH (Herald class), the Verto configuration is specialized to transport and deliver maximum offensive payload to forward positions in system confrontations. The entire ship design is catered to this purpose. Despite its dimensions Verto class vessels have minimal flight and maintenance crews for most missions. Exceptions are accommodated through the Verto’s highly modular construction. Entire brigades of Enforcers can be comfortably housed, fed and trained. Such versatility (including additional vehicle hangars) is made possible through the use of Portable Operational Decks (PODs). PODs are entire decks of assets (ie- dropship hangars, missile arrays) that plug into the main vessel’s life support and power grid in a honeycomb fashion. CATEGORY: Missile Destroyer/Infiltrator (MD/I)
Length: 430m
Width: 160m
Height: 59m
Mass: 910,000 metric tons
(Hull, engines and basic POD installations only)
Decks: Variable
Crew/Max: 205 crew and enlisted / Variable
Offensive: “World Zeroing” configuration-- 4 (2 x 2 aft) torpedo arrays, 4 (2 x 2 port/starboard) 27 unit launch arrays (108 simultaneous launch capacity), 6 (2 x 3 port/starboard) 30 unit launch arrays (180 simultaneous launch capacity)
Defensive: 5 SHIELD units (3 forward, 2 aft), Advanced RD3 system (RD3- Mark IIa.)
Built on the success of the CSVH series, the Verto class was created as a multi-purpose platform with a definitive eye to delivering an offensive punch anywhere in Conglomerate space…and in particular at its outermost reaches. Its original design (early 2480) focused on Enforcer invasion operations and to provide planet-level, long term training facilities in a mobile platform. As conflicts were resolved with increased efficiency, the POD system was introduced (early 2500) to swap out Enforcer barracks, training units (including fully equipped firing ranges), and delivery vehicle hangars into efficient ordinance delivery systems. As next generation missiles of increasing power developed, the safety of carrying such cargo in such large numbers became a growing concern despite the cost-effective flexibility solution it offered to fleet command. An explosion in the armory aboard a CSVV was a lethal event capable of disabling, if not outright destroying, any ship in formation around the compromised vessel.
The current layout of World Zeroing (maximum munitions payload) of the Verto is made possible through the maturity of two key innovations. The first is the successful conversion of Audrium ore into container vessels of Ship Armor Force Effectiveness (SAFE) ratings greater than 5000. The classified alloy is far too expensive to encase an entire ship, but has proven superior to all other armor plating types. While not adequate to fully contain a cascade internal munitions detonation, the destructive force of the explosion could now be reliably directed to hull exit channels in case the POD itself cannot be jettisoned in time. Substantial damage would be sustained, but not enough to cripple the entire vessel nor present a multi-deck casualty situation.